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Luciafest 2022

Hannah Lindgren

On Sunday, December 4, SVEA 253 was so excited to host our first in-person Lucia celebration in three years, due to COVID! Around 140 of our members, friends and family gathered for a wonderful kickoff to the holiday season.

We of course enjoyed glögg and coffee ahead of dinner!

Our Julboard was catered by Cloud Nine Cuisine in Noblesville and included spiral ham, herring, hard-boiled eggs, knäckebröd with butter, green beans, peas & carrots, boiled potatoes with dill, Swedish meatballs with lingonberries & gravy, and dinner rolls.

11 kiddos participated in our Lucia processional! Scout Strand was our Lucia this year. All of the kids did such a great job! Thank you to Crystal Kramer for her leadership.

Music throughout the evening was provided by Skandilocity, with help from Butler University conducting students, pianist Amanda Hopson, and our own SVEA Singers.

After the processional, we enjoyed a dessert of rice pudding with raspberry sauce. We also had our annual raffle this year and had our Lucia help us pick the winners! We also presented our Lucia, Scout Strand, with her Lucia pendant.

Our kiddos had a surprise visit from the Jultomte, who brought handmade and candy goodies for them!

To end the evening, Dans Norden instructed our guests in a few group dance numbers!

We had a wonderful year celebrating the lightness in the dark of winter. This year we also had a professional photographer join us, Whitney Walker! If you're interested in seeing more photos and downloading any of these photos, visit this link and use the download code: 3902.

We hope everyone has a great holiday season!


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