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Hannah Lindgren

2020 Virtual Luciafest

Updated: Feb 8, 2021

While our Luciafest looked different in 2020, we were still able to celebrate together and usher in the Christmas season.

Family bakes together

As the end of 2020 approached with no end to the Pandemic in sight, the Executive Board decided to attempt a virtual Luciafest Celebration! The Christmas season, after all, is nothing without celebrating our favorite holiday together.

On Friday, November 13, 2020, Cultural Director Hannah Lindgren and Assistant Cultural Director Katie Blodgett filmed a few familiar musical numbers (performed by Jordan Huffer, Ann Carlson, Steve Zimmerly, Diane Haines and Jonas Björk), a flute performance by Sarah Topletz, a poem reading by Katie Blodgett and a book reading ("The Tomten") by Crystal and Fritz Kramer. We also filmed the traditional Lucia processional with our Lucia being Molly Reagan. All of this was filmed in the hall of the Latvian Community Center.

We also put together "Lucia Kits" which we mailed or hand delivered to member households. These kits included the 2020 Chairperson's Letter, a custom Christmas card, a candle and homemade pepparkakor cookies (baked by members Carin Blodgett and Judi Carlstrand). Members also received a letter in November inviting them to purchase raffle tickets for five raffle items.

Everything came together on Sunday, December 6th at 2pm when we held a virtual Zoom Luciafest. We had over 133 individuals attend, from 24 different cities, 10 different states and 2 different counties (USA and Sweden.) We played the recorded presentation, everyone was invited to light their candles and after the raffle drawing they enjoyed their pepparkakor cookies and glögg or other food and beverages during good of the order/fika.


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